This page is intended as a useful reference for prospective Mutiny investors
We make investing simple and straightforward. There are a few extra steps due to regulations for private placements, but we’ll guide you through them!
Based on the fund and strategy selection you made in the investor inquiry form, the corresponding fund’s Private Placement Memorandum (PPM) and Operating Agreement (OA) were attached to your Thank you/Next Steps email.
If you are investing in the Cayman Fund, you would have also received the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association in addition to the PPM(s) and OA.
If you have any questions regarding the contents of these documents, please email
**Note: If you are investing directly, please review the information below. If you are investing via a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA), you will instead receive these documents directly from your RIA team.**
You will receive an email from Formstack ( with pre-populated subscription documents and other supplemental documents requiring your electronic signature.
Email will look like this:
Documents in the e-signature Formstack Envelope will include:
If you listed a CPA, Lawyer or Financial Advisor in the investor information form, they will receive an email on your behalf to verify your accreditation. Non-US persons going into the Cayman Fund will not need to verify their accreditation.
If you DID NOT list a CPA, Lawyer or Financial Advisor in the investor information form, you can verify your accredited investor status using one of the following methods:
Secondary option:
Once you have received a form confirming your verification from one of these services, please send the confirmation via email to
Upload your Photo Identification (if not done so already).
*Note: U.S. investors may upload a Driver’s License or Passport. Due to KYC/AML regulations, non-US investors must upload a photo of their passport.
**Note For Cayman Investors:
The Cayman Islands strictly requires Certified Copies for identification documentation. A Certified Copy means the document is certified by a lawyer, accountant, bank officer, fund director, registered investment professional, or notary public. Certifiers must (a) sign each copy, then add (b) a statement “Document certified is a true copy of the original”, and if photo shown, also “and photo is a true likeness of the individual.” Lastly, the certifier must (c) print their name clearly, include their position or title, and also write nearby their contact address and phone number.
For any natural person identified as Beneficial Owner, provide first and last name, address, source of wealth, citizenship, date of birth, and a certified copy of valid passport or other state identification. If the identification does not indicate the physical address of the individual, also provide a copy of a recent utility bill or bank statement (no older than 3 months) confirming current physical address; or a reference from a regulated professional who knows Investor (such as a lawyer, accountant, or director of a regulated institution).
If the identification provided does not indicate the physical address of the individual(s), also provide a copy of a recent utility bill or bank statement (no older than 3 months) confirming current physical address; or a reference from a regulated professional who knows Investor (such as a lawyer, accountant, or director of a regulated institution).
If the identification provided does not indicate the physical address of the individual(s), also provide a copy of a recent utility bill or bank statement (no older than 3 months) confirming current physical address; or a reference from a regulated professional who knows Investor (such as a lawyer, accountant, or director of a regulated institution).
Once we receive your signed documents, we will send them to our third party administrator for their approval. If necessary, our administrator may contact you directly asking for follow up information or documentation.
Once our administrator has confirmed that everything is in order, you will receive instructions to send either a wire or a check to our account at CIBC Bank for the amount of your subscription.
Once your documents have been reviewed and approved, you will receive an email from us with wire instructions.
Timeline recommendations:
Please note that your signed subscription documentation must be finalized 8 business days prior to the end of the month. If you submitted this later than 8 business days, then your investment will be effective the subsequent month. (E.g. If you don’t sign your documents until January 21st, the deadline for February 1st will have passed so your investment would have an effective date of March 1st.)
Signing your subscription agreement is not binding and we will not consider your investment active until we receive your wire.
Subscriptions wires must be received no later than 5 business days prior to the end of the month by 4:30pm ET/1:30pm PT in order to be active at the start of the following month.
Confirmation of non US person status.
Due to our regulatory structure, we are unable to allow any US persons (including citizens, permanent residents, and green card holders) or US entities with the exception of tax-exempt organizations described in Section 501(c)(3) of United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, to invest into Mutiny Cayman Funds, Ltd. On the investor information form, you indicated that you are not a US person, nor investing via an entity which has any owners that are US persons.
If you are a US person or investing on behalf of an entity with US person owners, please reply to this email to let us know and we can discuss your options. If you are a US person, failure to notify us will result in your investment into Mutiny Cayman Funds, Ltd. being rejected and paperwork will need to be voided and redone for our US Funds.
Our goal at Mutiny Funds is to help investors maximize the long-term growth of their portfolios. Unlike most, we believe that combining defensive-minded strategies such as long volatility with offensive-minded strategies providing the best opportunity for long-term capital growth, while reducing drawdowns in the interim.
Copyright © 2024 Mutiny Funds, LLC is a registered commodity pool operator and commodity trading advisor with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and member of the National Futures Association. This website is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be relied upon as legal, business, investment, or tax advice. All opinions expressed are solely the opinions of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Mutiny Funds, LLC, their affiliates, co-managers of their funds, or companies featured.Investing is risky, and you are reminded that futures, commodity trading, forex, volatility, options, derivatives , and other alternative investments are complex and carry a risk of substantial losses. As such, they are not suitable for all investors, and you should not rely on any of the information as a substitute for the exercise of your own skill and judgment in making such a decision on the appropriateness of such investments.
This website provides information regarding the following commodity pools: The Long Volatility Fund LLC and The Cockroach Fund, LLC (collectively the “US Funds”) and Mutiny Funds Cayman Ltd. (together with the US Funds, collectively the “Fund(s)“), which are managed and operated by Attain Portfolio Advisors LLC and Mutiny Funds LLC (the “Managers”). Investments in the US Funds are only available to Accredited Investors as defined in Rule 501 of Regulation D of The Securities Act of 1933. Investments in Mutiny Funds Cayman Ltd. are only available to non-US investors. This content is being provided for information and discussion purposes only and should not be seen as a solicitation for said Fund(s). Any information relating to the Fund(s) is qualified in its entirety by the information included in the Fund’(s)’ offering documents and supplements (collectively, the “Memorandum(s)”) described herein. Any offer or solicitation of the Fund(s) may be made only by delivery of the Memorandum(s). Before making any investment in the Fund(s), you should thoroughly review the Memorandum(s) with your professional advisor(s) to determine whether an investment in the Fund(s) are suitable for you in light of your investment objectives and financial situation. The Memorandum(s) contain important information concerning risk factors, including a more comprehensive description of the risks and other material aspects of an investment in the Fund(s), and should be read carefully before any decision to invest is made. This site is not intended for European investors, and nothing herein should be taken as a solicitation of such investors. Use the following links to view the full terms of use and risk disclaimer and our privacy policy.