RIA Onboarding Process

We are looking forward to working with you and your investors and appreciate your interest in our Mutiny Funds offerings:

  • Cockroach Fund, LLC (Cockroach Strategy)
  • Cockroach Fund, LLC (Trend Strategy)
  • Long Volatility Fund, LLC (Volatility Strategy)
  • Long Volatility Fund, LLC (Volatility + Stocks Strategy)
  • Long Volatility Fund, LLC (Commodity Trend Strategy)

We understand any new onboarding process can be extensive and overwhelming. We take great pride in making the onboarding process as seamless as possible for both RIA and investor. Having worked with other RIAs in the past, we have created this page detailing the various steps to our processes which we believe offers the smoothest experience to your investors and team.

Information regarding our strategies can be found on our Investment Strategies page.



  • (Recommended) Submit Investor Information Form by the 10th: To allow for necessary back and forth clarifications that periodically arise, we recommend that you submit the forms below by the 10th of the month to be sure that we are able to make the investment active the 1st of the following month (E.g. If you send in all the documents on the 18th but our administrator has follow up questions regarding KYC/AML or anything else then it will likely take more than 2 days and the investment will be delayed until the following month.)
  • Final Subscription Documents due 8 business days prior to the end of the month: Any subscription documentation must be finalized 8 days prior to the end of the month. If you submitted this later than 8 business days prior to the end of the month, then your investment will be effective the subsequent month. (E.g. If you submit this form on January 21st, the deadline for February 1 will have passed so your investment would have an effective date of March 1st.)
  • Wires due 5 business days prior to the end of the month: Subscriptions (checks or wires) must be received no later than 5 business days prior to the end of the month by 4:30pm ET/1:30pm PT in order to be active at the start of the following month.

For RIAs using a 3rd party custodian like Schwab or Fidelity, our experience is that the initial subscription process can be delayed quite a bit (sometimes multiple weeks) depending on how responsive the custodian’s team is and wait times. Unfortunately, Mutiny has no control over this so we recommend submitting everything as soon as possible so as to not unnecessarily delay the subscription process.If the RIA is working through a custodian (Schwab, TD Ameritrade or Fidelity), please make sure to notify us via email at invest@mutinyfund.com. Specific instructions for each custodian are below.

If the RIA is working through a custodian (Schwab, TD Ameritrade or Fidelity), please make sure to notify us via email at invest@mutinyfund.com. Specific instructions for each custodian are below.


Subscription Process Overview

1. RIA completes the investor inquiry form with the investors’ information and documents. You will need to upload a photo of each investor’s government ID, accreditation verification and entity documents (if applicable)(Est. Time to Complete: 5-10 minutes per investor assuming you have all required documents).Note: Submission of the investor inquiry form immediately triggers an emails to the investor with Private Placement Memorandum and Operating Agreement for their review as required by regulatory statutes.

2. Mutiny will review the submitted information within 1 business day and request additional documents or information as needed. Once everything looks good, Mutiny will send two emails to the investor at the same time:

  • One email is sent to investor with Subscription Documents to sign via our eSignature software (Formstack).
  • Another email is sent to investor with request to complete the applicable Tax Form (e.g. w8).

3. Once the subscription document and tax form have been completed, Mutiny Funds sends the signed documents to the fund administrator and RIA.

4. RIA will submit signed documents to their custodian. RIAs not working through a custodian can skip this step.


  • will not accept 3rd party signed subscription agreements. As a result, investors will need to re-sign using Schwab’s DocuSign. As such, The RIA prepares the DocuSign envelope to investor that includes the subscription agreement along with Charles Schwab Alternative Investment Letter of Authorization (AILOA).
  • Investor signs the AILOA and RE-SIGNS the subscription documents. RIA will need to add Signature and Initial tags for investors to resign/initial the subscription agreement and tax form next to their signatures from Formstack. (We appreciate the inefficiency of this but it is required by Schwab at this time.)


  • RIA emails or mails the ‘Alternative Investments Addendum and Custody Agreement’ to investor for their wet signature (the wet signature is required by Fidelity at this time).
  • RIA uploads all documents to Fidelity Investment Queue.
  • Fidelity reviews documents and stamps.
  • Fidelity sends a copy of the stamped documents to fund administrator and Mutiny Funds.


  • RIA prepares DocuSign envelope to investor with TD Ameritrade Alternative Investment Custody & Transaction Form and fund subscription documents.
  • Investor signs Alternative Investment Custody & Transaction Form and RE-SIGNS the subscription documents.
  • RIA Submits complete envelope to TD Ameritrade via
  • TD typically takes 3-5 days to process documents and stamp.
  • TD Ameritrade sends a copy of the stamped documents to fund administrator.
  • Fund administrator will email stamped copy to fund issuer for their records.

5. RIA coordinates Investor’s wire to fund’s bank account at CIBC. Note that wires must be received by 4:30pm ET/1:30pm PT, 5 business days prior to the end of the month so we recommend sending as soon as subscription is finalized.

6. Investor receives ‘Welcome Email’ from Mutiny Funds.

After the subscription is completed,  the investor will receive a statement each month from the fund administrator detailing fund performance. Statements are typically sent the 20th-30th of the month beginning the month after the investment is active (E.g. An investor completing the subscription process in January for a February 1st active date will receive their first statement around March 25th).

Document Library

  • For your convenience, links to all required documents are below.
  • ➤ indicates action required.

General Required for All Funds

Tax Forms:

Form W-9 (for US investors)
Form W-8BEN (for non-US investors)
Form W-8BEN-E (for non-US entities)
Complete and Sign the Appropriate Form

Accredited Investor Statement
➤ Complete and Sign by a third party (this can be the RIA, an accountant or lawyer

The Cockroach Fund, LLC

For your convenience, links to all required documents are below.

Subscription Agreement
➤ Complete and Sign

Example of Completed Subscription Agreement
➤ Review by RIA

Cockroach Fund PPM
➤ Review by Investor

Cockroach Fund Operating Agreement
➤ Review by RIA

Acknowledgement of receipt of PPM
➤ Complete and Sign

Acknowledgement of receipt of Operating Agreement
➤ Complete and Sign

Long Volatility Fund, LLC 

For your convenience, links to all required documents are below.

Subscription Agreement
➤ Complete and Sign

Example of Completed Subscription Agreement
➤ Review by RIA

Long Volatility Fund PPM
➤ Review by Investor

Long Volatility Fund Operating Agreement
➤ Review by Investor

Acknowledgement of receipt of PPM
➤ Complete and Sign

Acknowledgement of receipt of Operating Agreement
➤ Complete and Sign

How to Add or Redeem Funds

You can complete our change form at any time to add, redeem or transfer your investment.

The email entered into the form will automatically receive an email to e-sign, then we will countersign and send to the admin to process the change you’d like to make.

If you would like to add funds, please note that any subscriptions (checks or wires) must be received 5 business days prior to the end of the month by 4:30pm ET/1:30pm PT in order to be active at the start of the following month.

Get Started
